Libraries and AI: Opportunity or threat?

British Library, London.

Libraries and AI: Opportunity or threat?

23 January 2025, 19.00-20.30
Pigott Theatre at the Britsh Library

The impact of digital technologies on libraries is an ongoing process with libraries providing many digital services - from access to digital content to a range of digital discovery tools. There is an expectation that the opportunities afforded by AI will further improve library services. However, the adoption of AI also means that libraries might be adopting technologies that pose a challenge to libraries’ fundamental commitments to the respect for privacy, transparency and legal use of content. For example, many libraries have already faced the dilemma of whether to allow the use of their digital content for the generative AI training.

The panellists for this event are:
Sue Lacey Bryant, President of CILIP, Visiting Professor in Knowledge and Information Mobilisation at Manchester Metropolitan University
Svein Arne Brygfjeld,  Special Advisor on AI at the National Library of Norway
Rob Cawston, Director of Digital and Service Transformation at the National Library of Scotland
Dr Tom Chatfield, author and tech philosopher
Dr Mia Ridge Digital Curator for Western Heritage Collections at the British Library

Join us in this discussion looking into how AI might become more present in the libraries, and how libraries should approach AI if they wish to remain trusted information providers.

Chaired by Timandra Harkness, this is part of a series of AI debates bringing together experts from different fields to debate issues spotlit by AI developments

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